Recycling EPP
Reprocessing and regranulation of PA6 and PA6.6
Purchase of material according to type and amount
Ensuring the recycling of plastic waste with the possibility of re-use in production
Purchase of recycled material according to the specification
Processing and purchase of non-compliant production and scrap
Ability to process the material at the site (crushing, pressing, document shredding)
Providing comprehensive consulting services
Incoming audits
Supervision of updating documents and legal obligations
Preparation of the annual waste report
Representation before public authorities
Implementation of the tender according to customer requirements
Optimization of waste management
Comprehensive proposal for waste management
Waste removal including hazardous waste
Complete outsourcing of waste management
What laws do I have to respect in ecology
Who will represent you before being inspected by the ČIŽP?
+420 606 676 434
+420 723 007 734
Riegrova 59
388 01
+420 606 676 434
+420 723 007 734